Combretum  indicum (L.) DeFilipps

Sub-Family: Not available
English Name: Chinese Honeysuckle
Synonym: Quisqualis indica L.
Common Name: Burma creeper
Flowering & Fruiting Period: July-March
Distribution: Native of Myanmar
Habitat: Introduced as ornamental plant; now runs wild
Uses: The plant is widely used in traditional medicine, valued particularly for ridding the body of parasites. All parts of the plant are used. The fruits are anthelmintic, used particularly to treat ascarids. A concentrated decoction of the fruit is used as a gargle that is effective against toothache. A decoction of the seeds is given to children to stop diarrhea. The seeds, macerated in oil, are applied to parasitic skin diseases, boils or sores on children's faces. A decoction of the root is used as a vermifuge and also to treat rheumatism.
Key Characteristics: Woody climbers. Leaves opposite to subopposite. Spikes terminal. Flowers fragrant. Receptacles narrowly tubular. Sepals triangular reflexed. Petals obovate- oblong, obtuse, white, turning deep red at maturity, finely pubescent. Style adnate to the wall of the upper receptacle for most of its length. Fruit ovate-elliptic, black.