Hibiscus tilliaceus L.

Sub-Family: Not available
English Name: Sea Hibiscus
Synonym: Talipariti tiliaceum (L.)Fryxell
Common Name: Neerparuthi
Flowering & Fruiting Period: December-January
Distribution: Pantropics
Habitat: Along streamside and banks of tidal streams and mangrove forest, also grown as live fence
Uses: Leaves can be fermented into a sauce, used as a substrate for the tempeh starter culture, or boiled in salted water to make the beverage known as Onge tea. The flowers are laxative. An infusion of the leaves is used to aid in the delivery of a child. The leaves are used in treating coughs and sore throats. The bark, on its own, is used in treating eye infections and injuries, and stomach-aches. The bark fibres can be used for cordage. The wood is useful for light construction, net floats and corks
Key Characteristics: Trees, to 20 m high. Leaves simple, alternate, oblong-lanceolate. Flowers bisexual, yellow, axillary, solitary or in terminal racemes; calyx campanulate, 5-fid; corolla yellow with or without a red centre changing to pink; petals 5,; staminal column glabrous; ovary superior, ovoid; stigmas 5, capitate, purplish. Fruit a capsule.